28th November, my appointment to go for MRI scan for my neck and upper back. I did one before for my lower back, two years ago. But still, it was a scary experience.
Early morning I woke up at 6.00am and went out like 6.45am for breakfast. After the nice prata, me, my sis and my mum set off to JB puteri hospital. We were late as there was a traffic jam! Omg! I was 15 minutes late but thank god I didn't get scold and no need to wait too long. Then I need to get change. The pants that the nurse gave me was too big, I tied till the max still like dropping! hahaha.. I think I am not too fat actually! hahaha.. then i was waiting outside the room to be call up to enter the Scary room. "Tay Khai Xin, sini!" OMG! I was damn nervous! She asked me who I came with, cuz the MRI scan might take around one hour! So I quickly informed my mum and sis. Thank god she brought DS with her and my mum can talk to phone. So i think they were not too bored. Inside the room, the nurse gave me some instructions. Firstly I need to scan my neck first. Then only my back. Each scanning might takes 30 minutes, If I accidentally moves, then might take extra 15 minutes. I was so scared cuz she said can't bring in any metal things inside. But how about my BRACES!!? hahaha.. She asked me whether can take off, I say no! Then she said let's try, but if you feel not comfortable must tell her immediately! I was praying hard for nothing happen! But I dun dare to open my mouth while I was "send in" to the Machine! Hahaha.. The nurse looks even more worried than me! hahaha..
Then start with the neck, she told me I can't swallow my saliva until the machine stop the sound. And it takes around 3 minutes! sigh! Human is really a weird animal man! Usually we dun feel like swallow the saliva while lying down. But now really feel the urge to swallow! I really tried very hard to tahan! Hahaha.. Keep thinking cannot swallow, cannot! Hahaha.. Finally, I dunno how long passed, the nurse said, well done I followed the instruction. (haha, like primary sch gal!) then it's my back turn, she said I can back to normal now just that dun move any inch! So, She sticked a Pill at my back as her "marker" and help me to wear something on my body. Forget to mention, the distance between my face and the machine was like only a few cm! So It was really scary! The room was cold like hell. and she keep trying to get the right position. My bladder was about to burst man! Hahaha.. So I keep telling myself, another 5 minutes, tahan tahan~ hahaha.. when it finally done, I ran out to get change and RUN TO THE TOILET! Hahahaha! I like the malay nurse, she is so kind. :)
Then after the comfortable toilet visit, I was sitting in front of the counter to take my beautiful "photo" I took just now! Hahaha.. "Tay Khai Xin" Finally, my turn, need to pay now. "Seribu empat ratus!" OMG! RM1400!!!!!!! For ONE HOUR MRI scan. I knew it was expensive, I wonder they will charge me as one part or double? In the end it's double! SHIT! But it's consider cheaper than Pantai hospital in Melaka, RM750!! OMG! I'm sorry to my daddy man! He is now in a situation like this and I still spend a lot of money! I felt so sorry to him. T.T
Then I took my MRI scan to the specialist again. He said overall is all right, no fracture, the bone condition is all right. Good! Phew~ I was relieved although that was what I predicted. "BUT!" Sigh~ there's always a BUT! The doctor said he dunno what's the actual cause that my back keep paining like hell, but as an X-ray specialist, he found out that my neck part, there's a very strange condition. He shown me that part, very upper part of my neck, he said my brain position is low. (well, I dunno how to explain, but it's something about the brain! The exact name is called Chiari Type I Malformation! haha~ Sounds scary huh!) Oh my god?! BRAIN!!? I was shocked like what!! He said the situation might be naturally born to be like that, or other factors. So he suggested me to go and consult a Neurosurgeon! OMG! It's getting more and more complicated now. I never tot of my back problem would link to my BRAIN? He suggested me to go for a brain check! See la! No wonder I'm so crazy and abnormal, cuz my brain is rosak(Spoilt!) HAHAHAHAHA!!
So I asked for some painkiller, and then went back home. Sigh~ the consultant fee and medicine cost me RM92!! I should be a doctor man~ Hahaha.. Then I went back and told my father I need to scan my brain, he was like ????? WHY? Hahahhaa.. So funny he looks! But I didn't tell my Ah mah la. I felt super sweet yesterday, cuz my mum said my brother called back! Hahah! He seldom call back. I think like once or twice since he go to Australia. My mum told him would take me for the check up so he called back and ask and was surprise too! Hahaha... I love my brother~ :)
Then today, I really can't tahan so I go for Physiotherapy! Yeah! So happy! I like to go there~ Everyone treat me so well! ;) I took my "beautiful photo" and show my buddy! I told him the same thing and which part is the problematic part! My sis asked if there's a need to do the brain scan, he said if the specialist said that then might need to go for a check! and he said the Mahkota doctor that the specialist recommend is not good. So he searched for me and recommend me to go Singapore Hospital! OMG~ I can predict, A LOT MORE MONEY going to burn out~ Sigh~ I'm so so so sorry to my parents and family man. My buddy also said that that certain part really looks weird. So need to go for a check. While I was doing physiotherapy, I heard that my buddy was searching for this special name of the disease I suffered from. I dunno what's that, but he told my mum and sis, if need to operate, might need to cut out that little part of skull so that it won't block the brain!! OMG! and IT'S A BIG OPERATION! But not to worry first, cuz not sure I need to do that! and That's only the possibility only! But I was scared, really scared of that.
I dunno how much more money I need to burn this time. But I'm really so so sorry to my family and parents. Why can't I walk slowly that time? Why would I suffer from all these which cost a lot? Sigh~ All these things came at the very wrong timing. But it's ok, I guess it's not something very serious. So no need to worry too much for me, I will tell myself, be strong and it's not really something very big! Cuz everything haven't confirm yet! And I'm lucky Hee-haw according to Lexy what! So I will be fine! Just to release a bit stress here and now I felt much better now! :)
Hey people, nothing is more important than Health! I understand this since young cuz I had been through all different kinds of scans, check up... So, pls take care of yourself all my friends! I will do so! Sleep as early as we can and have balance meal ok! Do not torture yourself just to save money! Even you got no money to eat, Hee-haw the ATM can always treat u, but not expensive one! Hahaha.. So, remember! take care ya! :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
爸爸已经60岁了,有时回家看见爸爸苍老的背影,突然觉得,他好像老了很多。不自觉地会想流泪。尤其最近,那个野心很大,不听劝告的堂哥,因为欠下一笔很大很大的债,老爸为了他,不停想办法,烦的睡不好,吃不下,甚至整副身家都拿来还那窝囊废的债!我真的很心疼,很想过去一巴一巴地打醒那个窝囊废!当初老爸劝他,不要轻易相信别人,那项投资风险很大,不听。现在,欠了一大笔钱,要我老爸去还。公平吗?我心疼的是我老爸,辛辛苦苦了大半辈子的心血,就这样被一个窝囊废完全掏光,什么也没有了。到老爸这把年纪,运气好早就坐在家里享儿孙福,有空就游山玩水。现在哪儿来的闲钱?老妈和老爸,辛苦那么多年,为了让我们过好日子,想不到,辛苦那么久,日子过得好的是另一家人。 大伯一家,从以前,欠钱就是找老爸要。如果你说,因为你年轻时,出外工作养家,可以,我感谢你。但老爸帮你供3个儿子到美国念书, 帮你还了数也数不清的债务,应该已经仁至义尽了吧!现在,你的窝囊废儿子,又来讨债,是上辈子欠你的吗?老爸是个节俭的人。东西不用到坏,决不换!老爸那辆车,从我三年级坐到现在,妈妈的车也都八年了。家里的电视,用到冒烟还要拿去修,直到宣告死亡才买一部好的。我们从小到大,爸爸妈妈很少买我们喜欢的东西给我们。我们也从来没有自己的玩具,都是别人送的。就算是我的CD收藏,我可以大声地告诉你,每一张,都是我和我姐姐辛苦存钱买的,没有一张是爸爸买的!当初我想要买一部电脑,这样就不必天天去学校做功课,回家跟姐姐争电脑。我想了很久,才让我姐姐帮我问老爸可以买给我吗?我的腰伤,已经花了家里很多钱了,我真的不好意思再向他们要了。我们的日子为什么过得那么节俭,因为我们知道钱难赚,爸爸妈妈赚钱辛苦。相反的,我的大伯一家,这几年来,一共换了多少部车,我数不清。东西不见,再买。电话,厌倦了就换一部,玩具也是堆积如山。老实说,我很感谢爸妈没溺爱我们。我才不想像那家人一样。我现在看到他们的嘴脸,就会想,老爸辛苦赚的老本,就被这群无耻的家伙掏光了。我真的很气,连小叔没钱也向老爸伸手。你们当我老爸是银行吗?你们辛苦他就不辛苦吗? 没钱不会卖你们的大屋子,大车子吗?最惨的是奶奶只会帮他们向老爸开口,有时我都怀疑老爸是他亲生的吗?
那个窝囊废是长子第孙,惹了这么大的祸,就只会哭着求奶奶。你是疯了吗?你要他老人家烦到连那副纸片人的身躯跟你一起倒下吗?你知不知道奶奶为了你的事,厚着脸皮到处去借钱。为了你烦到吃不下,睡不好。现在瘦得只剩骨头。这就是你所谓的孝顺?分明是你不听劝,还跟奶奶说生意失败。奶奶那天没说我还没那么气,听了更是想冲去你家一巴掌掴下去。生意失败,多好听的理由阿! 连奶奶的钱你也敢借!为什么你做事情永远都不用脑想!为什么你都快40岁了想法还那么天真?想开面包店就开,你跟大嫂会做面包吗?根本都不了解这行,就相信你所谓的朋友!好啊,人家现在不想做了,走了,留一个烂摊子等你收拾。结果,不用我说,你们猜也猜得到!
谁可以告诉我,我还能做什么?老爸对不起,我不会再跟你要钱了,我会自己努力赚的。还记得小时候你问我:你长大以后,赚了钱,一个月要给我多少钱?当时的我,还小,天真地说:一千给你, 一千给妈妈,剩下的自己存。但是我可能做不到了。我想我的薪水并没有那么高,但我一定会守我的承诺,照顾你们到老,不让你们操心,安心养老!也许应该从现在开始存钱了吧... ...
我的好朋友们,虽然这世界也许是不公平的,但发一发牢骚就算了,不要怨天尤人。因为比起大部分的人,我们已经很幸福了。至少我们不愁吃不愁穿。也许我们会遇到不公平的待遇,没关系,忍下来,当作是上天给我们人生的磨练。没有这些磨练,我们不会成长,思想不会成熟。只要我们自己知道,没有对不起任何人,问心无愧,就算被冤枉,总有一天他们会明白他们是错的。Specially dedicate to Lexy~ 无论如何,我们都会在你身旁支持你。有什么不开心想诉苦,三对耳朵随时等你!加油!不要被那些无聊的姐姐给打倒。她怎么欺负你,天都看见了,她怎么诋毁你,天都听见了。总有一天,他们会相信你的!加油啦!:)
爸爸已经60岁了,有时回家看见爸爸苍老的背影,突然觉得,他好像老了很多。不自觉地会想流泪。尤其最近,那个野心很大,不听劝告的堂哥,因为欠下一笔很大很大的债,老爸为了他,不停想办法,烦的睡不好,吃不下,甚至整副身家都拿来还那窝囊废的债!我真的很心疼,很想过去一巴一巴地打醒那个窝囊废!当初老爸劝他,不要轻易相信别人,那项投资风险很大,不听。现在,欠了一大笔钱,要我老爸去还。公平吗?我心疼的是我老爸,辛辛苦苦了大半辈子的心血,就这样被一个窝囊废完全掏光,什么也没有了。到老爸这把年纪,运气好早就坐在家里享儿孙福,有空就游山玩水。现在哪儿来的闲钱?老妈和老爸,辛苦那么多年,为了让我们过好日子,想不到,辛苦那么久,日子过得好的是另一家人。 大伯一家,从以前,欠钱就是找老爸要。如果你说,因为你年轻时,出外工作养家,可以,我感谢你。但老爸帮你供3个儿子到美国念书, 帮你还了数也数不清的债务,应该已经仁至义尽了吧!现在,你的窝囊废儿子,又来讨债,是上辈子欠你的吗?老爸是个节俭的人。东西不用到坏,决不换!老爸那辆车,从我三年级坐到现在,妈妈的车也都八年了。家里的电视,用到冒烟还要拿去修,直到宣告死亡才买一部好的。我们从小到大,爸爸妈妈很少买我们喜欢的东西给我们。我们也从来没有自己的玩具,都是别人送的。就算是我的CD收藏,我可以大声地告诉你,每一张,都是我和我姐姐辛苦存钱买的,没有一张是爸爸买的!当初我想要买一部电脑,这样就不必天天去学校做功课,回家跟姐姐争电脑。我想了很久,才让我姐姐帮我问老爸可以买给我吗?我的腰伤,已经花了家里很多钱了,我真的不好意思再向他们要了。我们的日子为什么过得那么节俭,因为我们知道钱难赚,爸爸妈妈赚钱辛苦。相反的,我的大伯一家,这几年来,一共换了多少部车,我数不清。东西不见,再买。电话,厌倦了就换一部,玩具也是堆积如山。老实说,我很感谢爸妈没溺爱我们。我才不想像那家人一样。我现在看到他们的嘴脸,就会想,老爸辛苦赚的老本,就被这群无耻的家伙掏光了。我真的很气,连小叔没钱也向老爸伸手。你们当我老爸是银行吗?你们辛苦他就不辛苦吗? 没钱不会卖你们的大屋子,大车子吗?最惨的是奶奶只会帮他们向老爸开口,有时我都怀疑老爸是他亲生的吗?
那个窝囊废是长子第孙,惹了这么大的祸,就只会哭着求奶奶。你是疯了吗?你要他老人家烦到连那副纸片人的身躯跟你一起倒下吗?你知不知道奶奶为了你的事,厚着脸皮到处去借钱。为了你烦到吃不下,睡不好。现在瘦得只剩骨头。这就是你所谓的孝顺?分明是你不听劝,还跟奶奶说生意失败。奶奶那天没说我还没那么气,听了更是想冲去你家一巴掌掴下去。生意失败,多好听的理由阿! 连奶奶的钱你也敢借!为什么你做事情永远都不用脑想!为什么你都快40岁了想法还那么天真?想开面包店就开,你跟大嫂会做面包吗?根本都不了解这行,就相信你所谓的朋友!好啊,人家现在不想做了,走了,留一个烂摊子等你收拾。结果,不用我说,你们猜也猜得到!
谁可以告诉我,我还能做什么?老爸对不起,我不会再跟你要钱了,我会自己努力赚的。还记得小时候你问我:你长大以后,赚了钱,一个月要给我多少钱?当时的我,还小,天真地说:一千给你, 一千给妈妈,剩下的自己存。但是我可能做不到了。我想我的薪水并没有那么高,但我一定会守我的承诺,照顾你们到老,不让你们操心,安心养老!也许应该从现在开始存钱了吧... ...
我的好朋友们,虽然这世界也许是不公平的,但发一发牢骚就算了,不要怨天尤人。因为比起大部分的人,我们已经很幸福了。至少我们不愁吃不愁穿。也许我们会遇到不公平的待遇,没关系,忍下来,当作是上天给我们人生的磨练。没有这些磨练,我们不会成长,思想不会成熟。只要我们自己知道,没有对不起任何人,问心无愧,就算被冤枉,总有一天他们会明白他们是错的。Specially dedicate to Lexy~ 无论如何,我们都会在你身旁支持你。有什么不开心想诉苦,三对耳朵随时等你!加油!不要被那些无聊的姐姐给打倒。她怎么欺负你,天都看见了,她怎么诋毁你,天都听见了。总有一天,他们会相信你的!加油啦!:)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The stressful days finally approaching..
Sigh~ Finally, after few years of hard works, it's time to do Major Project! OMG! I tot I can handle it like a normal project, but I can sense that the stressful days finally approaching.. It's getting more and more stress! Sigh~
Although I know what i m doing, but really don't know how to start! I seriously quite lost! But after discussing with quakie today in Mcdonalds (Our McD breakfast day!) I think I know what should I do next. James agreed with my story concept, just that I need to come out with a story outline by next week. These few days I really enjoyed myself like FYP doesn't exist in my mind! I was watching 家好月圆! So nice! I think I must really finish it so that I can concentrate after that! Haha.. (Excuse! Excuse!)
Tuesday, me, quakie, monkey and cloudy went to swim in anchorvale swimming complex while Nady is swimming in Ganges River in India at the same time! haha.. Yeah! Finally!!! Haha.. We enjoyed ourself a lot that day! But monkey's swim suit was torn after playing the slide. It's a small hole though, but still quite obvious! Hahaha.. Quakie was so funny! Before we slide down from the slide, she hang halfway as she slipped accidentally! It was so awkward! and the life guard behind was laughing! Hahaha.. OMG! I can't stop laughing! We also tried the Jacuzzi! So comfortable that we don't bear to come up! We enjoyed a lot there! It's like a mini Sunway Lagoon according to quakie! haha! But after that I felt so guilty! I asked cloudy to board the WRONG bus! OMG! I'm so sorry! I tot bus 88 would pass by hougang interchange! But It's not! OMG! Seriously so sorry to my beloved meowie! :)
Today, I had an enjoyable breakfast with quakie in Mcdonald! Nice breakfast! Hahaha.. We sat there, discussing, chatting, drawing doodles.. What a nice afternoon! :) Then evening I went to swim with my sis! Again in anchorvale. So tired! I swim a lot today! Haha! Feel really great! Hahaha.. I like sports! OMG! I need to do more exercise!
Nady went to India this monday and today is day 4! So not used to it! No ppl laugh with me! Princess I miss you a lot~ You must take care of yourself there ok! No overeating! But I guess u won't eat there also! Hahaha..
Ok, everyone! Listen, don't be stress over this Major Project ok! Just treat it as our usual project! It's just the Title a bit different! We had gone thru a lot of obstacles together and I'm sure we can pull through this also! Jia you everyone! But before the stressful project, let's slack a while now~ 1 day only ok! 1 day! hahahahaha.. :)
Although I know what i m doing, but really don't know how to start! I seriously quite lost! But after discussing with quakie today in Mcdonalds (Our McD breakfast day!) I think I know what should I do next. James agreed with my story concept, just that I need to come out with a story outline by next week. These few days I really enjoyed myself like FYP doesn't exist in my mind! I was watching 家好月圆! So nice! I think I must really finish it so that I can concentrate after that! Haha.. (Excuse! Excuse!)
Tuesday, me, quakie, monkey and cloudy went to swim in anchorvale swimming complex while Nady is swimming in Ganges River in India at the same time! haha.. Yeah! Finally!!! Haha.. We enjoyed ourself a lot that day! But monkey's swim suit was torn after playing the slide. It's a small hole though, but still quite obvious! Hahaha.. Quakie was so funny! Before we slide down from the slide, she hang halfway as she slipped accidentally! It was so awkward! and the life guard behind was laughing! Hahaha.. OMG! I can't stop laughing! We also tried the Jacuzzi! So comfortable that we don't bear to come up! We enjoyed a lot there! It's like a mini Sunway Lagoon according to quakie! haha! But after that I felt so guilty! I asked cloudy to board the WRONG bus! OMG! I'm so sorry! I tot bus 88 would pass by hougang interchange! But It's not! OMG! Seriously so sorry to my beloved meowie! :)
Today, I had an enjoyable breakfast with quakie in Mcdonald! Nice breakfast! Hahaha.. We sat there, discussing, chatting, drawing doodles.. What a nice afternoon! :) Then evening I went to swim with my sis! Again in anchorvale. So tired! I swim a lot today! Haha! Feel really great! Hahaha.. I like sports! OMG! I need to do more exercise!
Nady went to India this monday and today is day 4! So not used to it! No ppl laugh with me! Princess I miss you a lot~ You must take care of yourself there ok! No overeating! But I guess u won't eat there also! Hahaha..
Ok, everyone! Listen, don't be stress over this Major Project ok! Just treat it as our usual project! It's just the Title a bit different! We had gone thru a lot of obstacles together and I'm sure we can pull through this also! Jia you everyone! But before the stressful project, let's slack a while now~ 1 day only ok! 1 day! hahahahaha.. :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hiak Hiak Hiak~ Albumsss!!!
Hiak Hiak Hiak! Everyone! I finally bought my long-waited albumsss~ Who else? TVXQ la!
Yesterday I broke my record. I took 7 different buses! Haha.. Let me count for you. In the morning, as usual, I took 88 to Pasir Ris interchange and transfer to 15 to school. Then after class, I decided to go to Chong Pang there, buy some retro toys for my major project. Then I took bus 23 to Tampines interchange and change to 969 to Yishun! Awww~ So memorable~ After that, I took bus 800 from Yishun interchange to Chong Pang and bought some toys. Then I took bus 800 back to interchange and wait for 965 go back to Sengkang. I decided to go compass point and try my luck see whether I can get my long-waited TVXQ's album. After that I took bus 80 back to my house! OMG! Break record! 7 different buses! Haha.. Thank god I bought consession. Haha..
This block, I'm having Creative Writing with my Major Project. Paul's class really interesting and I think I enjoyed his class. Just that I can't stand some bitches in my class! they really sucks! But I'm lucky to meet two cute and lovely year 1 freshmen from ADM - Yi Ling and Hazel! Haha.. They both sat beside me. They are so cute. Paul is really a funny man. He jokes a lot in class and I like how he laughed! really like a kid! His teaching style kind of help me a lot with my project and how to come out with idea, although I still hate to sit in a circle. So scary. I really dun like those people opposite me lo! They are so arrogant ok! I group with one that day! I really fell like bodyslam her man. She tot her idea was the best, ask her to interview me, she keep like waiting for me to talk! Dun even ask question man! then still telling me to change my story! Her face really irritating! I can't stand her keep shaking her legs during class man! so arrogant and self-centred!
After class that day, as I mentioned, I went back to Yishun to buy some retro toys there. It's was so memorable to me. Long time never sit on 969. I still remember some drivers. The bus keeps remind me of those time I took buses abck with Nady! Haha.. So fun! We were sleeping and it's so fun to see her drop her hands while she's sleeping! The bus stops, the shopping centre, the interchange, all are so memorable to me! Haha.. Yishun really changed a lot! Especially North Point! It's bigger now although some part still under construction. Haha.. I went back to Chong Pang that toys shop to buy some stuff for my Major Project references. I used to buy toys from that shop for my applied illustration project. I feel great to step in Yishun again! :)
Then I went back to compass point, wanting to try my luck and see whether I can get my long-waited TVXQ's album! YES! FINALLY! Even the concert DVD! Yeah!! I bought three at one time, of cuz three different one (Haha.. My jie jie shares with me la! Haha.. Then the funny thing happened. Iwas holding three CDs to the counter. The guy who works there got shocked and keep looking at my CDs. Then he pretend to drink water near the counter, but I saw his eyes were trying to peeps what I bought! OMG! I spent 110 dollars man! But I was damn happy man! Seriously CDs are all my life. I ever think of if my house get burn, the first thing to move out should be my CDs! Buy CD really makes me happy! :)
Major Project. Sigh~ So stressful! I wish I can go back to year one man! Hope what I'm going to do would turn out nice la. Otherwise.. Sigh~ I also dunno what can I do! My best frens! Everyone! Jia You for our FYP ok! We surely can do it! Jia You!! :)
Yesterday I broke my record. I took 7 different buses! Haha.. Let me count for you. In the morning, as usual, I took 88 to Pasir Ris interchange and transfer to 15 to school. Then after class, I decided to go to Chong Pang there, buy some retro toys for my major project. Then I took bus 23 to Tampines interchange and change to 969 to Yishun! Awww~ So memorable~ After that, I took bus 800 from Yishun interchange to Chong Pang and bought some toys. Then I took bus 800 back to interchange and wait for 965 go back to Sengkang. I decided to go compass point and try my luck see whether I can get my long-waited TVXQ's album. After that I took bus 80 back to my house! OMG! Break record! 7 different buses! Haha.. Thank god I bought consession. Haha..
This block, I'm having Creative Writing with my Major Project. Paul's class really interesting and I think I enjoyed his class. Just that I can't stand some bitches in my class! they really sucks! But I'm lucky to meet two cute and lovely year 1 freshmen from ADM - Yi Ling and Hazel! Haha.. They both sat beside me. They are so cute. Paul is really a funny man. He jokes a lot in class and I like how he laughed! really like a kid! His teaching style kind of help me a lot with my project and how to come out with idea, although I still hate to sit in a circle. So scary. I really dun like those people opposite me lo! They are so arrogant ok! I group with one that day! I really fell like bodyslam her man. She tot her idea was the best, ask her to interview me, she keep like waiting for me to talk! Dun even ask question man! then still telling me to change my story! Her face really irritating! I can't stand her keep shaking her legs during class man! so arrogant and self-centred!
After class that day, as I mentioned, I went back to Yishun to buy some retro toys there. It's was so memorable to me. Long time never sit on 969. I still remember some drivers. The bus keeps remind me of those time I took buses abck with Nady! Haha.. So fun! We were sleeping and it's so fun to see her drop her hands while she's sleeping! The bus stops, the shopping centre, the interchange, all are so memorable to me! Haha.. Yishun really changed a lot! Especially North Point! It's bigger now although some part still under construction. Haha.. I went back to Chong Pang that toys shop to buy some stuff for my Major Project references. I used to buy toys from that shop for my applied illustration project. I feel great to step in Yishun again! :)
Then I went back to compass point, wanting to try my luck and see whether I can get my long-waited TVXQ's album! YES! FINALLY! Even the concert DVD! Yeah!! I bought three at one time, of cuz three different one (Haha.. My jie jie shares with me la! Haha.. Then the funny thing happened. Iwas holding three CDs to the counter. The guy who works there got shocked and keep looking at my CDs. Then he pretend to drink water near the counter, but I saw his eyes were trying to peeps what I bought! OMG! I spent 110 dollars man! But I was damn happy man! Seriously CDs are all my life. I ever think of if my house get burn, the first thing to move out should be my CDs! Buy CD really makes me happy! :)
Major Project. Sigh~ So stressful! I wish I can go back to year one man! Hope what I'm going to do would turn out nice la. Otherwise.. Sigh~ I also dunno what can I do! My best frens! Everyone! Jia You for our FYP ok! We surely can do it! Jia You!! :)
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