Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shh.. it's a SECRET! Haha.. (25.08.2007)

15th of August 2007

The last day of being an eighteen years old girl.. Haha.. It's really memorable to me!

Today is my submission for P2.. For the sake of the stupid P2 I almost like one whole month not enough sleep! Especially the last few days near submission day, everyday like 4 or 5am just sleep! I really feel like dying man.. Haha.. I rush like hell but finally i done my thing! Yeah! Although not very nice la.. Haha..

Then after the busy afternoon, FINALLY I CAN ENJOY!! Me and my sister went to watch the movie that we wanted to watch desperately!! Secret - 不能说的秘密! Jay Chou's movie! Exciting~~

We went to AMK hub to watch our favourite movie! I'm so looking forward to it.. But in the end, ya, Jay Chou's talent really never let us down! He's really a great artist! 我真得很佩服他的多才多艺.. It's a very touching movie.. I cried in the cinema.. After that, 心情久久都不能平复.. 在还没看这部电影时,听到这首部不能说的秘密,好评如潮,让原本就是他的歌迷的我们更想去看!看完了,还慢舍不得的,还记得电影结束时,不能说的秘密这首歌一响起,更让我哭得像傻婆!Haha.. 在还没看电影之前听这首歌就觉得真的很好听!周杰伦不论在唱腔还是作曲都进步好多!他的歌越来越能感动人心了!好现象!好现象!Haha.. 这首歌其实应该在看完这部电影才听,才更能感受歌词的意境.. 感动-ing~

说到电影,其实息影我去看的是故事情节。就算不是周杰伦导的,都还是想看。拍摄手法,很棒。幽默感,很棒。服装,漂亮。场景,一级棒! Haha.. 路小雨与叶湘伦的爱情,很纯.. 是那种纯纯的爱。Which is 现在难见的爱情。最喜欢看里面的演员耍宝,笑到肚子痛。也超爱看周杰伦跟宇豪斗琴!超精彩的!好羡慕他们钢琴弹得好好哦!开始后悔当初干嘛那么爱玩,没好好练琴。这个假期,我要好好地练了!Haha..

我真的超爱这部电影的,推荐大家去看。剧情就不告诉你们了。因为---------- 这是不能说的.秘密!Haha...

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